Baby, Family, Gospel Topics, kids, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships

There’s is Something different With That Last Child….

As I cuddled my 10 month old baby boy close, I just soaked in the cuddles as he slept, and kissed his little head.

Ten months has flown by.. and I know it will continue to go fast.

Babies turn into toddlers, who turn into little kids, who turn into big kids, then teenagers and then … well- adults.

My oldest is almost 9 years old and with my oldest being a boy too, this baby boy of mine has me reminiscing all of the sweet baby moments I had with my oldest… and they went too fast!

So yes, that last child hits different.

My two boys at 10 months old❤️

That last child reminds you that babies grow quick and it’s ok to snuggle and hold these sweet babies.

We are all in different times and seasons in life.

Closing my season and chapter with babies is hard.

And yet, I know there are other chapters to begin.

I can’t have babies forever right ?

But I understand why people have them when they are older… babies are the best and they make the world sweeter in every way.

So if there’s something that is changing for you.. remember you may be closing this chapter… but you’re onto the next.


Christy Lee

Baby, Family, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships

Once Upon A Time There Lived A Mom

Once upon a time there lived a mom.

This mom waited a long, long time to become a mom and she couldn’t wait!

Most moms her age were about done having kids as she had just begun.

This mom knew since she waited so long to become a mom she would be the best.

This mom was going to be patient, never yelling only consoling.

This mom was going to be understanding of tantrums and fits instead of throwing a fit back at the child.

This mom was only going to let her children eat the healthiest of foods, never sugar or fatty oils, just pure, organic goodness.

This mom was going to teach manners so beautifully that everyone would know her child belonged to her because their manners were superb.

This mom was going to have a clean home because her kids would help cleanup messes as they played and they would never just leave messes around the house.

This mom was going to teach her children how to memorize scriptures, and important facts .

This mom was going to soon realize …

That whenever you start with “Once upon a time….”

Well, it ended in a fairy tale.

And all of it was a fairy tale, because this mom, yes— she had waited many, many years to become a mom.

However, she wasn’t the perfect, sweet mom that she was expecting to be.

When her kids threw fits this mom sometimes yelled at them and threw fits too.

This mom wasn’t always compassionate and consoling.

This mom wanted a clean house, but it was never as clean as she had hoped.

This mlm felt like a broken record teaching her kids manners that they seemed to never listen to.

This mom let her kids eat sugar and fatty oils more than she ever imagined she would.

This mom didn’t teach her children to memorize scriptures and important facts. She started to but then…


Then this mom got tired.

This mom got plain old worn out tired.

This mom, —she tried.

She tried everyday and often times felt like she failed everyday.

Why couldn’t she be that mom she had imagined in her mind?

After all, she had waited so long to become a mom.

Nevertheless, this mom fell short some days.

This mom, she felt bad and sad, why couldn’t she do it all?

This mom was overwhelmed.

This mom was overwhelmed physically, mentally, emotionally and at times spiritually.

However, at night, when this mom said her prayers. She knew and felt that God still loved her.

God still loved this imperfect, impatient, not -always-a-compassionate mom.

And it reminded this mom… that despite everything … this mom ALWAYS loved her kids.

This mom always loved her kids no matter how tired or hard or overwhelming things got.. this mom loved her kids to the moon and back, and then some.

So if God loved this mom, and if this mom loved her kids… how could she fail and fall short ?

Maybe this mom was a TRUE mom, who dealt with challenges in motherhood and hoped and wanted to be better—- when all along, the key component was love.

So should this mom try harder and do better?


Will this mom ever be the perfect mom?


Will God still love this mom?


And this mom will remember that if God loves her, and if she loves God and her kids with all of her heart… well then, this mom has the strength to keep on striving to become the best mom she can be.

And maybe, just maybe… this mom, she will make it.

And hopefully her kids will always know and feel of her love.

The love that every imperfect mom has for their kids.

A love beyond words, for a mother always wants to be a better mom, but the key is and always will be…

Forever and ever… is love.

And to this mom and all moms… remember God loves you. Forever and forever.

The End


Christy Lee

Family, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle, Relationships

A New Podcast I’m Loving!

Whenever I come across a great podcast I have to share it.

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Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I love hearing spiritual and uplifting podcasts.

The podcast Magnify is one of my new favorite podcasts!

This particular episode has Lisa Clark Valentine on it and I love her uplifting words!

So if you’re needing an uplifting podcast I hope you enjoy Magnify!


Christy Lee

Baby, Family, Gluten-Free, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle, Parenting

One day at a time, one step at a time…. You got this mama!

As a mom to bow 4 cute children, I’m constantly reminding myself “one day at a time.”

It’s easy for me to look at the big picture and get EXTREMELY overwhelmed.

For example, I always have lots of laundry to fold now.

And yet, I’m realizing if I just stop and fold 6-8 items throughout the day…. That pile slowly gets put away.

Baby Kai (3 months old)

Some days I get thinking about how many dinners and lunches I need to make … but one day at a time I can get through each meal and it works out.

I’m currently in survival mode. My 3 month old is adorable but of course needs my constant care, my three year old toddler has many needs too, and also my six and eight year old need mamas help.

Taya, Brad, Cade and Makell

However, if I focus on one item at time… one task before the next … things work out.

I’m realizing the feeling of being “caught up” doesn’t always happen. Especially in this season of life for me, and that’s ok.

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Photo by Dids on

One step at a time and one day at a time… it all comes together.

Don’t get too overwhelmed mama… you got this!


Christy Lee

white clouds
Family, Good Reads, Gospel Topics, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Relationships

A Great Quote To Live By…

I love this quote for many reasons.

The main reason this quote stand out to me is that it is all about our day-to-day habits and priorities that truly creates the impact.

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So I challenge you, what is something that you do everyday that you want to either cut out of your life or improve?

For me, I would love to read more Scriptures throughout the day to enhance my spirituality.

I would love to hear yours!


Christy Lee

white clouds
Family, Good Reads, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle

I Love The Reminder That God Doesn’t Expect Us To Be Flawless.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

In our church today, we talked about a talk given by Brother Bradley Wilcox entitled ” Worthiness Is Not Flawlessness.”

I loved so many aspects of this talk, but overall, I was grateful for the reminder that God doesn’t expect PERFECTION.

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After-all, God knew that all of us would fall short, and that is why He sent us the Savior, the one perfect person that ever lived.

And yet, when we make mistakes and mess up, it’s so easy for us to get down on ourselves and feel “unworthy.”

That is not what God wants us to feel.

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Photo by Magda Ehlers on

God wants us to try every day to be a bit better, but if we fall short, we haven’t lost all of our chances.

I love this quote from Brother Wilcox’s talk that says ” Some mistakenly receive the message that they are not worthy to participate fully in the gospel because they are not completely free of bad habits. God’s message is that worthiness is not flawlessness.”

What a wonderful reminder to keep trying, have the goal and mindset to do your best! And even when we fall short, remember that “worthiness is not flawlessness.”

Also, I write this for you and for myself, remember to forgive yourself when you mess up, and move on.

Dwelling in our past mistakes and issues, never truly helps us move forward.

I hope you know how much Heavenly Father loves us. He always has and He always will.


Christy Lee

bright sky with fluffy clouds
Gospel Topics, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle

Sunday Thoughts: Choosing to Follow Christ.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I love beautifully quotes.

This particular quote is a strong reminder to me to choose our Savior Jesus Christ everyday.

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This quote makes me think, how has Christ changed me?

To answer that question, the Savior has changed my life in EVERY single aspect of my life.

The Savior has changed me through how I see the world.

Everyday, as I strive to become closer to Christ, my perspective changes.

Overall, the Savior is the great reminder, that compassion and love conquers all.

Not only the compassion and love we feel from the Savior, but the compassion and love we give to others.

Life is hard, and full of struggles. When we are in times of sorrow, we can lean on our Savior for support. We can feel peace through our Savior Jesus Christ.

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Photo by Sunsetoned on

Even more, we learn the true cure for healing is through serving others. Through showing compassion and love to others.

When we step outside of our situations, and we lift others. Not only are we brining others peace and happiness. We are feeling our lives with Christ-like love, that is beyond any worldly love.

I am so grateful for Savior and for the power He brings into our lives. I am so thankful that we can be changed through Christ.

I pray that we can all reach for our Savior in all aspects of our lives. He will heal us and uplift us, and encourage us to do the same for others.


Christy Lee