boy looking on a tidied desk
Family, Good Reads, Gospel Topics, kids, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships

Such A Great Reminder With The School Year Around The Corner.

As I watched this YouTube clip, I couldn’t help but share.

As a former teacher myself, it is easy to quickly “judge” a student by their behavior.

But I loved that Mr. Jensen dug a little bit deeper.

Mr. Jensen went crossed the grain and was able to help one student feel better about himself, and it was life-changing!

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Such a beautiful message!

I think we could all use a few more Mr. Jensen’s in the world!


Christy Lee

Family, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships

A Few Things I Have Learned About Parenting In The Last 7 Years…

It’s hard to narrow down all that I have learned about parenting in my last 7 years.

My cute oldest son

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A few things that stand out:

-Kids are very forgiving as we learn to parent them.

-I may be in charge of helping my kids learn and grow, but I can NOT control everything they do…even if I want to. It’s hard to send your kids to school all day and know that all that happens to them is out of your hands, however, kids do learn the best this way, when they are solving problems on their own. We can’t bubble wrap our kids through life, even when we feel like we want to. And I will admit, I want to a lot. However, I constantly remind myself to put my faith in my children and their abilities.

(Below is a video discussing a few things I am learning as a parent.)

What are some things you have learned as a parent?


Christy Lee

white ship
Family, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle, Relationships

Flashback To Time Well Spent On A Cruise…

Flashback to 2012 with me…it’s crazy to think that was an entire decade ago!

Just me and my parents went on a Canadian Cruise.

My mom had always wanted to go on a Canadian cruise.

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white ship
Photo by Maurício Mascaro on

I was single, and they invited me and I was in!

I had never really thought much about Canada or seeing it…but goodness it was beautiful!

This picture is of my dad and I in Montreal, Canada:

(PS-Isn’t My Dad such a handsome man?! He has the kindest heart and I am so blessed to be his daughter. And of course my mother is an angel. )

I have some of the fondest memories of this Canadian cruise.

This cruise was so peaceful and fun.

I truly loved the amazing memories made with my parents.

I am so glad I took this chance and opportunity to go on this vacation with my wonderful parents.

I wish I could go again and take my husband and kids along now too.

Maybe one day!

What vacation do you look back on with fondness?

I would love to hear!


Christy Lee

white clouds
Family, Good Reads, Gospel Topics, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Relationships

A Great Quote To Live By…

I love this quote for many reasons.

The main reason this quote stand out to me is that it is all about our day-to-day habits and priorities that truly creates the impact.

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So I challenge you, what is something that you do everyday that you want to either cut out of your life or improve?

For me, I would love to read more Scriptures throughout the day to enhance my spirituality.

I would love to hear yours!


Christy Lee

Baby, Family, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships, Uncategorized

A Quote That Sums Up Motherhood For Me/Funny

Is this not the truth?

Maybe it’s just me, but I relate to this 100%!

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Enjoy the motherhood journey.

And keep your chocolate stocked:)


Christy Lee

animal avian beak bird
Family, Good Reads, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle

A Quote To Live By

There’s something about reading an inspirational quote that can be so encouraging and motivating.

I love this quote from Via (The Minds Journal):

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I love the truth behind this quote.

It boils down to having faith in ourselves and in our abilities.

Just as the bird doesn’t fear the branch breaking, we can not have constant fear that things won’t work out in life.

Instead, we must remember, that through the good and the bad, through the ups and downs, we have the power and ability to push through it all…and fly!

animal avian beak bird
Photo by Pixabay on

Having faith in ourselves, and in our abilities takes a lot of work.

Having faith in ourselves takes a lot of effort, and prayer.

Nonetheless, when we find that faith in ourselves, it’s a beautiful thing.

I hope you can find that faith within you.


Christy Lee

white clouds
Family, Good Reads, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle

I Love The Reminder That God Doesn’t Expect Us To Be Flawless.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

In our church today, we talked about a talk given by Brother Bradley Wilcox entitled ” Worthiness Is Not Flawlessness.”

I loved so many aspects of this talk, but overall, I was grateful for the reminder that God doesn’t expect PERFECTION.

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After-all, God knew that all of us would fall short, and that is why He sent us the Savior, the one perfect person that ever lived.

And yet, when we make mistakes and mess up, it’s so easy for us to get down on ourselves and feel “unworthy.”

That is not what God wants us to feel.

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Photo by Magda Ehlers on

God wants us to try every day to be a bit better, but if we fall short, we haven’t lost all of our chances.

I love this quote from Brother Wilcox’s talk that says ” Some mistakenly receive the message that they are not worthy to participate fully in the gospel because they are not completely free of bad habits. God’s message is that worthiness is not flawlessness.”

What a wonderful reminder to keep trying, have the goal and mindset to do your best! And even when we fall short, remember that “worthiness is not flawlessness.”

Also, I write this for you and for myself, remember to forgive yourself when you mess up, and move on.

Dwelling in our past mistakes and issues, never truly helps us move forward.

I hope you know how much Heavenly Father loves us. He always has and He always will.


Christy Lee

Family, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous

Easter Isn’t Just About the Eggs and Bunny, it’s About Christ’s Resurrection.

When I asked my 6 year old son what he has learned about Easter he said “Easter Isn’t Just About the Eggs and Bunny, it’s About Christ’s Resurrection.”

My heart was happy knowing that there was a deeper meaning to Easter.

A deeper meaning that impacts all of us.

Christ’s atonement, His crucifixion, He suffered greatly for each one of us.


Because He loves us.

Our family this Easter Sunday

He had all power to stop his pain and suffering, and yet, He knew he had to endure the deepest and enduring pain and anguish… so that through His atonement we can have the chance to live with Him again.

And yes, we know our Savior was resurrected. He lives.

He continues to be there for us all if we but reach for him.

Yes Easter is much, much more than eggs and bunnies, it’s about remembering our Savior Jesus Christ. Remembering that he suffered for us all, and that He lives again.

Happy Easter to all!

And my hope is that we remember this often, not just on Easter.


Christy Lee

Good Reads, Gospel Topics, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships

God Created Us To Have Joy!

As I write this post, I write it to remind myself, that despite all the difficulties and stressors around us, God wants us to have joy in life!

I have always loved this quote by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

This quote reminds us that there is light and happiness to be found in EVERYTHING, even those things that are hard.

In 2019, I had my sweet baby girl 5 weeks early due to a heart complication called WPW. Baby girl was fragile and small, and was on medicine around the clock to keep her heart in check.

I was nervous and scared in having to care for this sweet baby girl with monitors and oxygen on her at all times.

Just 5 months later after my baby was born, the world shut down due to the pandemic of Covid 19. The same week of Covid, here in Salt Lake, we experienced a 5.7 earthquake!

Stress settled in, fear took over my heart.

And I had my husband who was constantly reminding me to have “faith over fear.” And even more, my little kids were there to remind me that there is joy to be found in all the hardships we were in.

(below a picture of my cute kids during 2020 ages 4, 2, 6 months.)

Despite the difficulties through the year of 2020, my kids enjoyed building forts, driving past the cattle farms, coloring pictures, FaceTiming family….the list goes on.

Yes, my sweet little toddlers and baby reminded me that we truly are created to have joy. It’s inevitable that we will suffer trials and hardships. And yet, our Heavenly Father does not want us to wallow in our struggles.

Heavenly Father is just like any parent and wants us to enjoy all the moments of life that we can.

I am so thankful for this constant reminder in life.

Even more, I am grateful for sweet children who remind me to smile, have fun, and to enjoy life.


Christy Lee

bright sky with fluffy clouds
Gospel Topics, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle

Sunday Thoughts: Choosing to Follow Christ.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I love beautifully quotes.

This particular quote is a strong reminder to me to choose our Savior Jesus Christ everyday.

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This quote makes me think, how has Christ changed me?

To answer that question, the Savior has changed my life in EVERY single aspect of my life.

The Savior has changed me through how I see the world.

Everyday, as I strive to become closer to Christ, my perspective changes.

Overall, the Savior is the great reminder, that compassion and love conquers all.

Not only the compassion and love we feel from the Savior, but the compassion and love we give to others.

Life is hard, and full of struggles. When we are in times of sorrow, we can lean on our Savior for support. We can feel peace through our Savior Jesus Christ.

bright sky with fluffy clouds
Photo by Sunsetoned on

Even more, we learn the true cure for healing is through serving others. Through showing compassion and love to others.

When we step outside of our situations, and we lift others. Not only are we brining others peace and happiness. We are feeling our lives with Christ-like love, that is beyond any worldly love.

I am so grateful for Savior and for the power He brings into our lives. I am so thankful that we can be changed through Christ.

I pray that we can all reach for our Savior in all aspects of our lives. He will heal us and uplift us, and encourage us to do the same for others.


Christy Lee